Educator Resources

Resources for WITS subscribed schools and educational authorities

Through your school’s subscription, you have access to videos; Lesson Plans for all vetted books; info for families and additional tools and educational resources. Check back regularly as we add more!

Books and Lesson plans

Books are available in the WITS Store

Following are lesson plans that accompany any book we recommend. The experts on our Book Committee review age-appropriate books that emphasize a WITS or LEADS strategy or that support conversations about race, inclusion, equity, sexual orientation and gender identity. Click the book cover below to open the corresponding lesson plan.

2024 WITS Picks*

2024 LEADS Picks*

*Many of our 2021 WITS and LEADS Picks are also available in French. There are also additional titles that may be available in French only. Please visit our French Educator resources page for the French Lesson plans.

Additional WITS Lesson Plans

Additional LEADS Lesson Plans

Classroom Videos

What is WITS?

What is LEADS?

WITSup the Walrus Acts out WITS

History and purpose of WITS

Ottawa Students use their WITS

WITS 2020 Poster/Video Contest Winner

Assembly for LEADS: The Tug-of-Help (circa 2007)

Tug of Help – a LEADS Assembly (*NEW 2024)

Using WITS at home

Lesson on Whole-body Listening

What kids say about WITS

Family info in 12 languages

  • add to your school’s e-newsletters
  • send directly to students’ families
  • post on your school’s web site

Families can also access these multi-lingual pages via the QR code on the take-home cards contained in each of our Classroom Modules.  These pages are configured for viewing by phone, tablet or computer.

Additional resources

Visual reminders of the WITS and LEADS strategies will help your students remember to “Use their WITS” when they encounter, experience, or witness peer victimization.

Desk tapes

Included in the WITS Enriched classroom module, these four designs for your students’ desks or cubbies can also be purchased in our store.

Star of the Week cards

Star of the Week cards encourage students to “get caught” doing good – being kind, learning, growing, and making your school and classroom a healthy place to learn.

How to use:  Write a note on a card and send it home with the student. Or, give your stars some visibility in the classroom: create a ‘constellation’ on a bulletin board, or liven up that old chalkboard with a row of ‘stars’.

Available in the WITS Store in packs of 40.

Learning to use ALL the WITS strategies – retrospective

Even shy children can learn the WITS strategies, but using them all can be extra hard. This short comic strip by Jasmine Zhang, a WITS Program Bursary winner, shows how she eventually overcame her shyness and learned to use all the WITS strategies to manage conflict, then she went on to apply them to other parts of her life!

How to use:  Print out for your classroom, and have a class discussion about Jasmine’s character’s experience. Then post the print-out so those shy kids can look at it again later, and react in their own time.


Sometimes schools work just can’t afford program materials or subscriptions. Our fundraising team has secured subsidies in some areas of Canada, and we may be able to cover some costs for a few schools. If you wish to apply for a subsidy, please contact us to set up a call with our staff.

WITS Store

adult woman holding books

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