Community Standards


These forums are for you to share your joys, challenges, wins, questions, innovations and experiences in using the WITS Programs in your schools. Consistent with the WITS mission and vision, while connecting here we want everyone to feel

  • safe to learn,
  • safe to contribute, and
  • safe to challenge the status quo.
Community standards
  • When you comment, please remember that this is a professional space; if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it online.
  • Respect others’ right to privacy in what they share.
  • Take a chance – ask a question you’re embarrassed to ask, be curious about statements that offer a different perspective from yours, and offer support where it is requested.
  • All resources on this website are copyright of the WITS Programs Foundation. We’d love for you to use them freely and frequently, but please don’t share them outside your subscribed school.
  • Anything that is illegal, harrassing, discriminatory, or obscene will be deleted and the user blocked immediately.
  • Do not share anyone else’s personal information.
  • Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion, spam, and irrelevant links aren’t allowed and will be removed.
Things to do
  • There is no ‘anonymous posting’ here, so please take a moment to introduce yourself in the “Say HI” conversation.
  • Ask for help if you’re having trouble participating – email and let us know what you were trying to do, what result you expected, and what happened instead.

WITS Program Foundation has received funding from Canadian Heritage for their Canadian Kindness Leaders project. Canadian Kindness Leaders will engage more than 10,000 youth aged from 9 to 12 in British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta and Quebec, and in both official languages. From art projects to volunteering, youth involved in the project will use their creativity to encourage and promote lateral kindness, empathy, appreciation, diversity, and inclusion.

“We are very proud that Canadian Heritage is providing funding for us to reach Canadian youth across the country” said Andy Telfer, Executive Director of the WITS Programs Foundation. “Especially at this time of uncertainty, by participating in this project, youth will show that kindness is important in Canada and that they can make a positive difference.”

I found the WITS Program to be an exceptional tool to help children learn at an early age how to deal with peer victimization, and how important it is to treat each other with respect. Until bullying and peer victimization are a thing of the past, I strongly encourage other schools to implement the WITS program on an annual basis.

– The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Canadian Heritage

The project engages youth in two stages. In the first stage, it uses the evidence-based WITS LEADerS training curriculum to empower youth to develop problem-solving skills to peacefully resolve peer conflicts. This program provides strategies to prevent peer victimization and bullying by engaging youth in leadership activities, demonstrating how youth can help themselves, their peers, and younger children to “use their WITS”.

In the second stage, youth will develop kindness-based community projects. Through an online sharing platform, youth will post their projects and connect with other youth across Canada. In addition, youth will vote on the most inspiring youth action project. Inspiring projects will be recognized near Pink Shirt Day, Canada’s national anti-bullying day.

The overall aim of the project is to empower youth to participate in civic life and lead through positive actions. The project will promote and support priorities including kindness, diversity, inclusion and connect with official language minority communities in Canada.

To learn more about the WITS Program Foundation and its Canadian Kindness Leaders Project, visit

Media contact, CKL Program Manager, Renée Cenerini, at or call 250-386-7625 or Toll free at 1-855-858-8766