
The WITS Programs bring together schools, families and communities to create responsive environments that help elementary school children deal with conflict and peer victimization, such as discrimination and bullying.

The WITS Programs’ components are:

  • WITS for kindergarten to Grade 3
  • LEADS for Grade 4 – 6/7
  • DIRE in French for kindergarten to Grade 3
  • MENTOR in French for Grade 4 – 6/7

These age groups are flexible based on individual school needs.

The proven-effective WITS group of programs are delivered using children’s literature and a whole-school approach that involves families and the greater community. See below for more information on each program component.

It’s a very natural fit for me to incorporate WITS into other things we are doing. It’s very useful to use daily in our classroom.

Choose a Program

WITS Program

Kindergarten to Grade 3


Grades 4 to 6

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